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Zeige Ergebnisse für die Stichwörter "'hell'".
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Zweilich(t)keit Zeit wird weiterhin vergehen eine Begegnung wird gelegentlich entstehen eine Begebenheit geteilt in zwei bringt einen Regenbogen herbei fallende Tropfen, fallende Strahlen finden einander und beginnen zu prahlen wie ein Spiegel des Himmels projiziert Stück für Stück mit Farbe verziert Zugleich findet das Licht Gefallen auf Stein Der Boden, Auch er kann eine Leinwand sein
Chorus: now i'm standing in the rain and waiting in vain the water flows... ...down to the drain and i'll miss the train and i'm standing in the rain Verse 1: you hurt me so much weren't yourself anymore the night before... ... you scared me "he hurts my knee!" to control me Chorus: now i'm standing in the rain and waiting in vain the water flows... ...down to the drain and i'll miss the train for love of gain Verse 2: remember that we were one we've gone one way it's all gonna be okay let us have our own way thats all i can say leave me alone... Chorus: now i'm standing in the rain and waiting in vain the water flows... ...down to the drain and i'll miss the train and i'm standing in the rain Bridge: you've changed your mind to show that you can do this to love me for who i am you've change everything like anything love is crazy in my mind Chorus: now i'm standing in the rain and waiting in vain the water flows... ...down to the drain and i'll go to the train to find you and love you again Outro: now i know who i am and where i belong Written by MelZas 08.06.2020
Intro Verse: Ohh yeah baby, i Feeling so lonely i thought it was lovely so im trying to be the best theres a stitch in my chest wishing all the best for you no matter what you do Pre Chorus: they said we were not bold but i dont know how to get hold Chorus: i never thought thats gonna be easy, ye ah ah oh oh oh sometimes i miss this the feel of the first kiss love can be harder then hell Verse: im not your little baby and you ask why search for the sight why were so alone searching for a home why are we lonely Pre Chorus: they said we were not bold but i dont know how to get hold Chorus: i never thought thats gonna be easy, ye ah ah oh oh oh sometimes i miss this the feel of the first kiss love can be harder then hell Bridge: im so good at losing i need help from a person that i love they stay over and above i dont wanna make a false move be head over heels in love they know me to well Chorus: i never thought thats gonna be easy, ye ah ah oh oh oh sometimes i miss this the feel of the first kiss love can be harder then hell OhhOhh i never thought thats gonna be easy, ye ah ah oh oh oh.. That´s never be easy Outro Geschrieben von MELZAS am 21.05.2020
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