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Zeige Ergebnisse für die Stichwörter "'adult humor'".
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feedback jeder art A slice of Americana
Donna veröffentlichte ein Thema in der Kategorie Fremdsprachige & Mundartgedichte
So, bear with me, this one's gonna be a little tricky. "I love EVERYONE and have NO OPINIONS, and other random B.S." Try that line on your friends and see what happens! At a family gathering----a lull in the conversation? Spring that gem on them! To all the "Socially Awkward People"-----those with self-deprecating humor that remains stagnant in shallow, ignorant pools---fret not! Things get better in time. Okay, so you lost the rhyme? Didn't get the point? See it a different way? It's all good....... tomorrow is another day! Everybody has probably moved on to the next Scandal, Twitter Sh*t Storm, Tik Tok Challenge a.k.a. Idiots Playbook and what-not. Embroiled in meaningless gossip---"Did you see the XXX-rated resin Garden Gnomes the neighbors bought?" (Wow! If that's the only problem(s) you have.....what an easy solve----Don't like it---Don't look!) Anyhoo, listen to this, such satirical pizazz! Instead of an American cloth flag hanging on a shepherds hook, frankly the Bonner-Wang-Holder's patriotic duty is very evolved, it dangles from a 4-foot gnomes erected, well you get the picture. The Bonner-Wang-Holder family yard is quite a fixture on the block---the Anti-Scripture Crew. Their Porn Garden Nook expands to include culturally diverse gnomes in various poses of---let's just say ecstasy. Hey people! Welcome to Kalamazoo! And wait...the friggin clinch, entirely with sound effects; bangin' Anti-Haters weaponry. Oh talk about wicked good! Weatherproof and even home co-op complaints withstood! Some gnomes romping on ole Red, White, and Blue, Progressives clad in leather harnesses accentuating Star-spangled banner bras, while a group of Traditionalists solely donned in Betsy Ross style bonnets, tri-boobed, holding signs that say "My Body! My Choice!" Woo! Let's make some noise for all the Bullsh*t Busters, for everyone with a set of steel family jewels regardless of gender (not necessarily the same size like the Garden Gnomes elephant balls) you know----people who got chuzpah, those who rise above the chatter and chanting crowds and boldly give voice. By golly, ya better sink yer pretenses here, forget about that proper upbringing-------you can drop your drawers elsewhere later on. Have an awesome laugh, cuz honey-------Humor is a saving Grace, woebegone! ©Donna H. July 5, 2022
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