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Letzte Besucher des Profils

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  1. Es ist eher gedacht als die Schattenseite der Melancholie. Sie erschafft Schönes hat aber auch sehr destruktive Seiten.
  2. JoHa

    Melancholy II

    We use to praise its fruits: the paintings, the poems, the tunes, the words of love and pain. We don't see how devastating it had been for the artist at night.
  3. JoHa


    When he was a child he got this grey backpack from his parents. It was weighty and his small shoulders ached grievously but he didn't say a single word as he was supposed to carry any burden without complaining. From that time on the grey backpack was his constant companion whereever he went whatever he did. Sometimes he almost forgot the heavy load on his sore shoulders but commonly he couldn't walk or move or even jump unburdenedly. But then it happened. It was July. Unexpectedly all of a sudden stunning yet somehow alarming. He met this angel. She lifted the weight from his back and for a second he realised the possibilities he had missed. But he didn't dare to kiss her. He was too shy to touch her hand. And so she vanished silently. And there he is. Still carrying this grey old backpack now filled with some new stones.
  4. JoHa


    Let us refurbish our flat. She demands. A new carpet, a new wall colour, or even a new couch next to our artificial fireplace. What do you think? He nods his head silently and thinks of the hidden hole in their roof.
  5. Hallo! (Netiquette!) Die Leere in mir...wie wahr...Durst nach Leben, nach Erfüllung, nach Wahrnehmung...es lohnt sich dem nachzugehen. Was ist der Grund des Durstes?
  6. Hallo! (Netiquette!) Berührt mich sehr...die Schwere der Seele
  7. JoHa


    From time to time the shadows of the past knocked at my door to show me what I lost and miss. They filled the room, switched off the lights and took possession of my own. I changed the lock, turned off the bell and let them knocking now.
  8. JoHa

    Herz in Beton

    Hallo! (Netiquette!) Sehr bewegend für mich...Herz aus Beton.
  9. JoHa

    The caretaker

    They call him the caretaker. He always takes care for everything for everyone. What a caretaker. One day it will take him away. Who cares?
  10. Staring at the red light I don't move don't think don't hope don't dare don't love. So focussed on the red inside I missed the point when it changed into green.
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