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Hall of mirrors

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An old cryptic door lies hidden in the vault

for it is a portal to a secret

and before you enter you have to halt.


You make the decision, there´s no regret

cause when you step inside

something will wait, mislead and abet.


The door recognizes you and it opens wide

a breeze of mildew and decay

surrounds you and death is now allied.


Within slight fog mirrors stand in grey

all at once your heart beats fast

as antics and masks are fading away.


One mirror reflects each fear of the past

a baleful stare of thousand eyes

you know: until death they will outlast.


Another dark surface is filled up with lies

deep down there is a little flame

but it`s left on its own and alone it dies.


The third mirror shows a future of shame

left in black: the days of mourning

and no one is left to blame.


The last and oldest one depicts a warning

cause it exhibits your invaluable soul

and it has always been on you: its forming.


You explored the hall and you lost control

the door is closing, the portal is locked

and forlorn is the echo of your howl...


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