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Empfohlene Beiträge

What if everything here and there

is just the opposite - a put-up affair?

What if we finally not live to die,

however life is death and truth is lie?

What if truth becomes dream instead

and all that is behind is now ahead?

What if soap-bubbles remain forever

and people who are resolute now haver?

What if all birds are forced to walk

and suddenly the mute one can talk?

What if progress turns at once to regress

and after the "α" everything is endless?

What if noise is the sweetest melody

and clowns seem as masters of severity?

What if you can fight water with fire

and a jute bag is the finest attire?

What if all plants grow bottom down

and the earth is left black and alone?

So what if everything is nothing

and the poor is now the new king?

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