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Kind of a hopeless mind (Hoffnungslose Liebe)

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ich bin erst seit heute in diesem Forum registriert und das hier ist mein zweiter Beitrag zum Thema "Herzensangelegenheiten".

Es war schon länger her, dass ich diesen Text geschrieben habe, bis ich auf die Idee kam ihn hier zu veröffentlichen .


Viel Spaß beim Lesen...



My hopeless mind



Hey! You made me smile, in this moment.

The first time I ever saw you so close.

Although this tick was only short,

my feeling was the perfect example for intense.



how can a feeling feel so good,

when it is not replied?

How can a look mean so much,

When it is actually, just incidentally meant?


Yes, please. Go ahead.

Because this encounter is not real at all.

Do what you do... and rip this pointnessless

deeper in my mind.

As it is true, this is not existing.


Please! Where is the lever to turn off this hopeless hope?

Where is the light to bright up these endless entanglements

of desperate imaginations... all about both-sided intensions?


Tick: Why are you turning your back on me now?

Tock: Did I greet you in the wrong way?

...Am I not worthy enough to be watched for more than a second?

Don’t you like me...?


Tick: My face is stoned.

Tock: Emotions are banned.


Tick: Putting on that familiar smile, which carries me trhough every single day.

Tock: burying every thought, I ‘wasted’ on you... as they are not allowed to be.


And every I time I’m watching you,

It carries me along.

And every time I see you,

I know that it’ll never be done...



Für Rückmeldungen/Kritik oder Ähnliches wäre ich sehr dankbar!


Schöne Grüße


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