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The Awakening


Sometimes I wish I could go back


back to the times when my children’s room

was the whole world


I could spend hours rearranging the furniture,

or renaming my fluffy little toys,

and each time that I had finished,

it felt as if I had changed the world

in some mysterious way–

and I had.


Sometimes I wish I could go back


back to the days when so little

meant so much


when everything that mattered

was mine to design


and nothing

was out of reach


when the world was

touchable, approachable,

both clearly defined

and infinite, full of magic.




But, gradually, things started to change…


I began to lose sight of the horizon

My pupils dilated


I began to feel that I was

missing out on something


something essential


I started to feel that perhaps the world

only just began

where I had thought it ended


For a moment I caught a glimpse of

distant stars


The day came when I first woke up to

the sound of the sea breathing inside of me


Suddenly I could feel the waves breaking,

speaking of the parts of myself

that are beyond my perception

and beyond my power


All of a sudden, my mind

turned into a night sky,

my thoughts into stars,

my emotions into gravity

pulling my heart towards yours


All of a sudden, none of the things

that truly matter

were mine anymore


They had moved

out of my reach,

out of my sight,

out of my touch.


Suddenly I came to the realization that

no matter how far I might travel,

there would always remain

one more road to take,

one more distance to overcome


The world had become



and yet no less beautiful.


And I think it is this awakening

that has both filled my heart with


and set me free…




Now when I say today

that I want it all back,

what I really mean is this:


Please, don’t let my heart forget

how to fall in love with the rain


Please, stop me from tearing

all those pages out of

the book of my soul


Please, tell me to keep

reaching for the stars


Please, when I watch the sunset,

let it remind me of something,

other than all the things that


will never

be mine.



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Liebe @Hase,

Ein weiteres zartes, wunderschönes Gedicht, dass du geschrieben hast.  Und das in einer Sprache, die nicht deiner Muttersprache ist!  Was für eine Leistung! 


Die Dinge in unserem Leben verändern sich ständig.  Sogar wir durchlaufen Wachstumsphasen, eine Metamorphose, wenn man so will, wenn Jahre und Zeit vergehen.

Dadurch "erwachen" unsere Seelen, wir verfeinern unser Wesen und bringen eine verbesserte Version hervor, um die Welt mit einer neuen Linse zu navigieren.  Obwohl es als Erwachsener schwierig ist, die Magie und das Wunder der Kindheitstage einzufangen, die uns in endlose Freude gefesselt haben.


Damals war das Leben muhelos, heute muss man hart arbeiten  Ruhe zu finden, bzw. Zeit und Raum um Ruhe gewähren zu lassen.  Der Trick besteht darin, sich auf das zu konzentrieren was man kann und was man hat.

Nicht das, was nicht deins sein kann.  Es ist am besten, nie zu lange in den Kaninchenbau zu gehen. (Amerikanischer Spruch)


Ich glaube nicht, dass LI jemals vergessen wird, sich in den Regen zu verlieben oder nach den Sternen zu greifen oder zu wissen, dass die Hoffnung, wenn die Sonne untergeht, immer noch eine neue Chance auf

was- auch- immer verspricht.

Liebe Grüße,



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