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Hey people out there


I send love to everyone of you

the ideal case is when you are linked to love

you feel it, you are into it, but not to get it back

just to please every single other life

enjoy being alive

is there life before death?

It is, oh dear

it can be fantastic

without limits

everything is possible

i feel so many good vibrations

pumping through my veins

if you are full of love, you are a rich person

positivity can be given away or spread without losing it

why do we always share only negative feelings?

Why do we always talk when we should listen?

Everyone of us has his or her fights to overcome

we all want to be happy

but the first step is to give hope to the hopeless

give love to the angry ones

console the desperate

it is a law of nature that we will always receive what we sended out before

and this will be a day to celebrate

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