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When I say I‘m lonely, I don’t mean I don’t have anyone

There are.. people around 

But I still feel lonely, lonelier than when I didn’t have anyone

No amount of people can take away this feeling

Loneliness, specially haunts me in rooms filled with people and tightens its strong grip around my waist 

You hold my hand and tell me you‘re here for me

But I don’t think, that loneliness will ever leave me alone 

Because I‘m the only one who knows how it feels to live inside my chest and watch the world through my ribs like prison bars

I‘m alone because I will spend the rest of my days in a prison made of flesh

And no one knows *exactly* how that feels 

I will sing, smile and dance and nobody will know the horrors I had to live through

So when I say I‘m lonely it doesn’t mean I long for human touch

It means I‘m a prisoner 

It means I am trapped

In a body which has stopped feeling like it’s mine

I’m trapped, save me sometime

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