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Empfohlene Beiträge

Along the river's trail 

Jersey Seagulls sail 

Thinking I've brought them crumbs

Icy air burns and numbs 


Sun struggling to be seen 

Grass is frozen sage green 

Walking at a fast pace 

With my Soul I touch base 


Now's the time to have Grace 

Including Gratitude 

Toss empty platitudes 

Into choppy waters 


Gulls screech, those path squatters 

Block and demand food toll 


Two crows on the light pole 

Chime in on the protest 

Making known their request 

Noisy chaos ensues 


Manipulative ruse 

Angry that I refuse 

Some fly, circling my head 

"Give me, give me some bread!" 


Hitchcock's "Birds" this invokes 

A runner ends provokes 

Dashes through, all disperse 

Quiet reimburses 

©Donna H.

February 2, 2023





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