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About a Lover and on Writing Poetry

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I am weary of the dragged fly-legged

scrawl that bangs against your 

haughty jutted heart.

Little cramped words written in

moon spattered midnights.

On crisp, smooth virgin paper

with ink dropped tears bleeding watermarks.


Tired, so exhausted of chafing

my ragged heart.

Burning love into those jade eye pools serene like a Spring morning, yearning to melt feathered hoarfrost covered hawthorne cheeks, be the golden sunlight in your Universe and pierce a stoic raven's Soul.


Everything takes me away from you 

slipping by as a fast moving taxi.

Passed familiar streets, glaring city lights

at warp speed pricking my eyes.


I call out for you into the ridges 

of yesterday's wind.

Thinking I'd hear a whisper of a whistle.

And wound myself inwardly

on the sharp edges of night.

Silence and the air beats dead

like a slackened drum.


Crumpling the pages tight 

one by one letting them fall.

Above stars are dimming 

a crescent moon wanders down slowly

as a flock of migratory birds on their journey

are blowing like smoke across the sky.

©Donna H.

December 13, 2022

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