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The birds are moving southwards

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The birds are moving southwards


The birds are moving southwards

Lately I saw a swarm of geese

Pass by above little me

Resting on the sunburnt grass


A certain wistfulness

Settled in my heart

Causing chaos

In naive me, who had believed

Summer would never end...


In the mornings

I still step out in underwear

As I did in August

Only to find an icy eye

and aching throat

Holding back tears

Frosty air greeting the day


I wonder: when did it happen?

When did it end?

When was it that the lavender lost its purple

The bees disappeared

The bush crickets stopped chirping

The gold faded

the lovers said goodbye?


I must have missed the moment

That summer left,

for I did not see her go

Did you?


Don't you wish to always be

where summer is?

But would you then

still love her just as much?


Sometimes I wish I was a bird

So I could leave with summer

But then I think:

who would be there to cry

When the leaves turn red

Who would catch them as they fall

If you and I had wings to flee?


So I stay

To love summer when it's there

And cry for it with a smile

When the birds are moving southwards.

  • in Love 2

Liebe @Hase,

Already migrating birds?  Die Gänse fliegen schon Richtung südliche Gegende?  Und frostige Luft?

In LI Region hat der Sommer einen Rücktritt gemacht. 😟

Sehr einfühlsam geschrieben liebe Hase. Hinreißend! 🥰  Und das auch noch in einer Fremdsprache!

Was garnicht einfach ist.  

Die letzten zwei Strophen haben mir am besten gefallen:

Den Wunsch wie ein Vogel davon zu fliegen mit den Sommer aber wer würde da bleiben um die wandelnde Blätter Pracht aufzufangen?  Sich vom Sommer wehmütig verabschieden mit Tränen und ein Lächeln wenn die Vögel Südwärts ziehen. 

Liebe Grüße, Donna

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