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You've taken all the words off my pages.

Ghosting me in stages.

Stolen ideas, now tied up in gilded cages.

This maddening silence rages.


Pulling these stunts throughout the ages.

Out of nowhere I'm jammed up in phases.

While memory wages, your cunning agenda 

stealthily tricks and hazes.


Pen grazes paper, keyboard just lazes.

All around, inspiration amazes.

Yet nothing close to 

a storyline raises.


Stanzas and verses tased.

Stunned, void of competence, dazed.

Schadenfreude smirks, while self-doubt chases. 

No text or tweet nor phrases.


Letters swim, eyes glaze.

Thoughts trapped in a complicated maze.

Walking circles, trying to find a way back to what I've craved.

Searching for scenic routes lyrically paved.


When will I bust through this blockade?

On a mission, a serious crusade.

Am I certain bilingual rhymes can march by 

throwing a colorful parade?

Tossing words and lines for me to catch and craft something homemade? 


Do I remain stagnant in my harshest critics' shade?

Fretting my status of being gifted and self-made?

Frivolously forgetting published milestones I've long outweighed?

Squaring off, facing this writer's block downgrade.

©Donna H.

July 15, 2022

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Lieber @Herbert Kaiser,


Der Text spricht über die Schreibblokade oder Schreibstau ( wie man es gerne nennt)

Darin erzähle ich was für eine Wirkung dies auf mich ausübt, die Grübelei welch ensteht, das sich hinterher fragen ob was vernüftiges wieder entstehen wird.....usw.

Letztendlich muß man da durch. 🙂

Danke für dein Interesse am Text.

Liebe Grüße, Donna

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