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You put me into your summer

Where soft winds were blowing

And days dawned unwritten

You were the peace I never had inside me

And with your curly brown hair

Your childlike eyes and noble manner

I found in you my guardian angel

And only soul I ever dared

To tell the truth to.



Will you in ten years remember

The day that I receive every year

With open arms from which the tears

Are dripping as I am tripping

Over everything that comes my way

The 16th of January it was

When we were ever-glad

Just lingering on each other’s faces.


I loved the silence that bore thousands of words

And the bliss of not yet taking the hand that was offered

For nothing’s more precious than the time before love

Before surrender

When nothing’s given, nothing taken

Nothing’s lost and nothing gained

Nothing’s promised, nothing broken

And nothing spoken

That is meant to remain unspoken

And every secret lingers peacefully in its realm.

  • in Love 1

Liebe @Hase,

Beautifully written! 

Tender and full of longing and love.

To know love's privilege is to live heaven on earth. 

Deine Zeilen sind melodisch und sehr schön geschrieben. Voller Zärtlichkeit und Sehnsucht.  Den Zauber der Liebe gut eingefangen, besonders bevor man sein Herz vergibt, diese verwundbare Zeit, ein Schwebe- Zustand der unberührt bleibt, ohne Erwartungen, vollkommen in seiner Reinheit.

Grossartige Poesie!

Liebe Grüße, Donna

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