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Heave Ho!
Raise the anchor high
Sail up to the sky
Heave Ho!

Heave Ho!
Setting the sails
Gliding through the gales
Heave Ho!

Heave Ho!
Hoist the black flag
Never turning back
Heave Ho!

Heave Ho!
On a course for treasure
For riches and for pleasure
Heave Ho!

Heave Ho!
On a stormy night
The enemy on sight
Heave Ho!

Heave Ho!
Set aside the bottle of rum
There the enemies come
Heave Ho!

Heave Ho!
Of into the fray
Slay the all, Ay
Heace Ho!

Heave Ho!
Drench your blade in blood
Forming a red flood
Heave Ho!

Heave Ho!
The enemy is slain
More treasure is to gain
Heave Ho!

Heave Ho!
The treasure you will get
Is freedom up ahead
Heave Ho!

Heave Ho!
Laying in the breeze
Doing as you please
Yo Ho!

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Hallo @Dennis V.,

Arrrgh matey (Pirates slang), I like your "Pirates Shanty"

Dieses "piratische" gut eingefangen!

On this creaky old ship, bobbing in the thunderous waves, a bunch of eye-patched wearing pirates up to no good. Toll gedichtet!

Aye Aye Captain. And Ahoy!   

Have a good sail.

Liebe Grüße, Donna

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