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vor 16 Minuten schrieb MythonPonty:

Ist dem so ?  


ich würde sagen möglicherweise 


[Arwen's face changes and we see Aragorn lying dead, Arwen standing next to him, crying.]


Elrond: "Whether by the sword or the slow decay of time, Aragorn will die. And there will be no comfort for you. No comfort to ease the pain of his passing."


Elrond: "He will come to death. An image of the splendor of the kings of men in glory, undimmed before the breaking of the world."


Elrond: "But you, my daughter, you will linger on in darkness and in doubt. As night falling winter has come without a star."


[Arwen is walking alone in empty woods, dressed in black.]


Elrond: "Here you will dwell, bound to you grief, under the fading trees, until all the world has changed and the long years of your life are utterly spent."


[The scene comes back to Rivendell and we see Arwen's face. Tears fall from her eyes and she gasps.]


Elrond: "Arwen… there is nothing for you here, only death."


[Elrond sits next to his daughter and holds her in his arms.]


Elrond: "Ah im, ú erin veleth lîn?" (Do I not also have your love?)


Arwen: "Gerich veleth nîn, ada." (You have my love, father.)


[Elrond stands and watches, as Arwen looks at him one last time before leaving.]

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vor 6 Minuten schrieb MythonPonty:

Interessant, kann ich mich gar nicht dran erinnern. 


Das ist ja auch  nur aus dem Film.. daran muss sich Doch ein echter Tolkien Fan nicht erinnern

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