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Saw a girl dressed in yellow and pink, in the colours of youth, walking through the cemetery.


Two lovers stood there, embracing each other as if they don´t want the time to disturb them...


At night the souls started to celebrate again, the sad ones were flying with the wild ones, the flegmatic with the choleric...


All was very noisy and quiet in one because they don´t want to come back again, but always return to their loved ones.


It was a giant event.


Lucia Korn.

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 Dear Lucy, 

it is always refreshing to read in another language. The same things adquiere a new relevance. 

Like visiting a foreign country. 

You take us in your poem to a cemetery. I suppose you like the old Poe. Who doesn't? 

The lyrical I walks through the tombs and see youth and loving life.

The dead live at night. 

"They don't want to come back again but always return to their loved ones."

Only who doesn't love is really dead.


  • in Love 1
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Dear @Lucia Z.,

your lines are very admirable, I think if you had written in German, they would have found more readers here, but in English they are of course 100 times more beautiful.

You have great power of observation and beautifully captured in a poem.


Best regards


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Liebe Lena und Carlos,


thank you so much for your suggestions:-D Die Energie ist ein bisschen anders wenn man es in englisch schreibt und The Observer ist männlich, kommt von den USA und schreibt sein Tagebuch. Er liebt es Menschen zu beobachten. Er kann leider nur englisch sprechen, aber am liebsten macht er Ausflüge ins Ausland....


Carlos - only who doesn´t love is dead - jetzt bekomme ich wirklich Gänsehaut, das ist die reinste Wahrheit.


Lena - sehr schönes Kommentar, es freut mich, das es Dir gefallen hat. Das schreiben und lesen gibt einen so viel, egal ob es nur ein Mensch liest oder hundert, es ist eine echte bereicherung. Thanks:-)


Have a nice sunday





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