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Do you love me? Like, are you in love with ME? Are you happy with the person that I am? Or are you just alright with how things are? How things developed and have been?


Do you really love me, or have you just repeated the words to you and me so many times you blindly believe them? Do you ever question it? Think about if we met now, would you still be interested in me? Care about me? Want to get to know me? Or was I just at the right time at the right place? You thought you wanted to be alone, but were you possibly looking for someone to care for you? Despite having been in a relationship you were actually, honestly alone. Were you secretly longing for someone to actually care for you? Being there for you? Did I give you what you longed for in this moment and you fell in love with this feeling? You are not one to break the relationship up. It's not who you are. You want to believe in the good, even when it's gone. And I saw you were happy. You were full of sparks and glow and happiness. I see it in my memories. In your texts. In our photos. Then sometimes I wonder if I still see this spark in you. Are you still happy? Happy with me? Life is busy and full of change and stress right now. But it will always be - just on different levels. This won't suffice as an excuse for the absence I feel.  Your mouth says you love me. But what do your actions say? Do you believe your words? Or have you repeated them so many times they became your truth? I want to believe in our very own 'forever'. But I won't if I don't see you happy.

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