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The Lady of the Lake


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"The Lady of the Lake"

A story well known.

But don't fear, don't fret,

You won't walk alone

Through this story of regret,

Of sorrow and heart break.


Though some would call it a story of love.

They might be right for love is all above.

As heart, mind and soul lie under it's reign.

In golden cage for it's all in vain.


Let me tell you the story of love and pain.

Listen well, listen good.

It starts with the joy of parenthood.

Nothing horrend,

Though that might depend...

Fear shall flowing soon like blood through a vein.


Once upon a time

In silk sheets fine,

Two people in love so great,

Sparking a flimmer of life what love shall create.


The Lady with child, the happiest day.

But what bright and light shall not stay.

Through love and pain the child was born

The mother crying a thunderstorm.


As aching she was, the Lady was strong

And even in pain she sang her song:


"My love, oh child, of universe's grand.

No pain can break it, nothing shan't.

For my love is reaching heights so high

It glides through stars, the moon nearby.

So high, so deep into the sky.

Don't fret, my child, og love of mine

Our hearts connected through living twine.

I shall always be at your side, bound tight

My heart, my sweet, my beautiful child.

As my love, oh child, of universe's grand.

Nothing shall break it, no pain shan't."


She spoke her promise, a binding vow

And all around a blinding glow.

The charm was spoken, a curse if broken.

Mother and child bound like a pretty bow.


All well in the beginning, her body still weak

Tired from birth, health she shall seek.

So she sleeps and sleeps in silken sheet

Her sleep soon borken by her Lovers greed.


She felt in her veins, her heart, her soul so deep

A threat to her child, a seeping creep

As greed is a sin for hearted weak

The vow awakens in a painful streak.


Her wrath so dark, a fiery storm.

He sold her child the night it was born.

And in her ire focused on him

He shall not die but his end will be grimm.


As her love for her child is of universe's grand.

Nothing can break it, no pain shan't.

Her love is great, reaching so high.

Her wrath even greater, reaching the sky.


A flame of pain, bottled now free;

Thrown at his heart for his failings three:


Weakness grand, he fell for greed.

Weakness grand, betrayals seed.

Weakness grand, for love to bleed.


She threw him away, in prison deep,

Chained to the ground, his soul not to reap.

No peace, no sleep, not without pain;

At the Ladys will, in darkness remain.


Revenge now taken, you might think all is well,

Him being punished, in endless hell.

But the child was sold, she has to decide.

Decision bold, her love as her guide.


Her child so precious, no human worth.

The danger too great, they leave the earth.

With her child in her arms, her embrace tight,

She walks to the lake, dressed in white.


Like Amor Mortis, two things so alike

For true love remains when death will strike.

She walks, immersed, deeper down.

Together and willing, for love they shall drown.


The irony, how bitter shall be their greeting

As journeys end in lovers meeting.

But while he is chained, can't go, can't flee

The Lady of the Lake and her child are free.


Free to gp, to walk, to remain

In peace, love pure without any pain.

As her love for her child is of universe's grand

No pain can break it, nothing shan't.


For her love for her child is of universe's grand

Her love reaching heights, so high in the sky,

It glides through stars, the moon nearby.

They walk in the sky, her child on her hand.


Their bodies still frozen on wet, wet coffin.

They can be seen by the Lake quite often.

The Lady of the Lake, her child on her hand.

For her love shall remain of universe's grand.


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