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Empfohlene Beiträge

You cannot stop me





~ You're alone but never lonely


You're nothing but a whisper


~ Damn weed, so watch me rising


My reflection ridicules me*




~ It's only an ugly mask I wear

~ I have to break out of this

~ Out of the life in a shadow's shade

~ I'm weary of your kind





The mirror broke into pieces

It's you I leave behind

~ Liar

The narrowness of two lifes in me

But one will die this time

~ You cannot stop me (No!)





~ Indeed, your time is over


Your pride will cause our fall


~ Your fall - my ressurection


I'll never play your victim




~ Who took care of you all the years before?

~ Who made you hold your head up (high)?

~ The real "You" hidden deep inside

~ Is not of your fuckin' kind





The mirror broke into pieces

It's you I leave behind

~ Liar

The narrowness of two lifes in me

But one will die this time



'Cause I will fall into pieces

And leave this world behind

~ Liar

My freedom's just one step away

And you will die tonight

~ You cannot stop me (No!)




© by jörn reimer


- metal core - song

- ~= gegrowlete parts des "bösen lyrischen ichs", der rest wird gesungen und stellt das "gute ich" dar

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