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The Stem

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The Stem


What's left over from the vibrating silence

Out of the dying star I come

Crying hope called me, to make the world undone

I'll fulfill what humans call their fate

Do not think you are the masters of what you've create


I'll open your eyes for what you have done

Ancient chants called me from where I come

Your first born, your heir shall bleed

After my work here is done and fully complete


I'll enjoy my anger, raping your rotting soul

Bathing myself in dead flesh and horrid foul

The stench after I ripped you apart

Is what you implied into my heart


Drips of blood run down in sines from my claw

How I wipe out a body, is what you just saw

A glimpse in my face and you tremble in fear

Soon you will be with them, a promise my dear


The nightly sky is colored in red

Dead staring eyes, seeking the lives they had

I make thinks clear in your mind

Mercy wont be something at this day you will find


I bend over you and my appearance covers you in shade

Is that "Please don't" your blood filled mouth just said ?

For I am reason, for I am chastisement

The pleasance to perish, is what you meant!


Millions of prayers fill the air

My pray awaits me to lead them to despair

Therefore I grow in size while you appall

Soon the book is closed, no story to tell


Striking at last, you'll call it light during the night

But it is only my glory, a glory of an almighty blight


Human voices horrified and in fear

An orchestral symphony is all that I can hear

For you called me every day in your dreams

I say "Let those instruments join together, in all their screams"


I am the mirror you called a stem

But I am nothing, for I am YOU I am !!

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