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Its the thinking of you

i not want, miss your body,

i miss, want your soul.


Feel your breath at my schoulder

want to see your words go real

love the way that you shine, while you smile to me.


laughing with you is like healing my brain.

Iam want to be with you. It is like a dream.

Running together into the sky

feeling the haven between you and I.

Hallo Ninaolora


Obwohl das Gedicht von dir auch schöne Worte und Zeilen hat, gibt es Rechtschreib Fehler im Englischen, und vorallem die erste Strophe kann ich sehr schwer verstehen was du sagen wolltest


ich hätte ein paar änderungsvorschläge


Thinking of you is all I want

I miss your eyes, your lipps

Your body and  your soul


Feel your breath on my shoulder

want to see your words go real,

love the way that you shine

while you smile at me.


Laughing with you is like healing

Being with you feels like dreaming


All I want is us running together into the sky

Feeling the heaven between you and I.



liebe grüße



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