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The Night



A dark rainbow splits the crying sky

And a sad-eyed clown is starting to cry

His empty eyes look like water in the night

They reflect the moon, which’s beginning to hide

A pitch-black eagle whistles out of tune

A stray melody and then sinks the moon

The silver strings’ tones of the numb death-angel’s violin

Feed my soul with shadows that I’m seeking

A drunken ship leaving the damp harbour

‘cause I don’t know what I’m here for


A game is played with a deck of cards

Missing the ace and the jack of hearts

Outside of the honky-tonk the mild is black

And there’s a man with holes in his head

And a little red river like a silky thread

Runs down the faded badge around his neck

“This ain’t the place to be”, says the sailor and jumps

Onto his raft, then he sinks, but he might be drunk

Then Judas arrives and wants to buy

Forgiveness from a blind mad gypsy guy


The savage player seeks satisfaction

In the kingdom of the night

The high-handed circle of kings decides

To draw another self-portrait, that shines bright

A one-eyed pirate narrates of a far-off land

Where the Queen and the maid walking hand in hand

The sad old actor has to clean up behind the theatre

Now, the wounded hiker can’t walk just a single meter

The evil lord sits all alone,

Watching everything, on his throne


An old, cold man with metal eyes

Is selling American Nightmares

A little and poor girls face lines

Are running into a room, where

Time becomes a foggy nothing

The volcanic rain destroyed by burning

The bridge to the Promised Land, but someone endorses

To help her and save her with his horses

The magnificent castle of fate

Is falling under another wave


Someone draws apocalyptic visions

Into the sand next to the permissions

Of dreaming, which are slowly taken

Back to the sea by some burned out wave-men

And while Baudelaire is walking along the horizon

He’s sick of the guard who has got his eyes on

Every dream that melts into a meaningless thought

And someone throws angrily his handkerchief onto the ground

The dissatisfied Ophelia screams, Lord,

An awful and eye-breaking sound



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aktivste Mitglieder in diesem Thema

aktivste Mitglieder in diesem Thema

Sehr gelungen meiner Meinung nach. Ich bin zwar noch nicht ganz dahinter gestiegen, aber ich werde definitiv darüber nachdenken bis ich es tue :?

Was mich dazu interessieren würde, hast du dir Gedanken gemacht wie der Text zu singen ist (schnell, langsam, Ballade, etc.), oder auf welchen Stil er passen soll? Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Silbenanzahl in den Zeilen fiel es mir nämlich recht schwer das ganze in einen Rhytmus zu bringen.

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ich muss zugeben, dass ich bei dem text nicht auf silbenzahlen und ähnliches geachtet habe. ich denke allerdings, dass das bei einem gesungenen text auch nicht so wichtig ist, da man in der art wie man es singt, vieles überspielen kann.

musikalisch ist das ganze noch recht vage. ich habe zwei verschiedene "lieder" dazu. das eine geht wohl eher richtung the doors, das andere richtung dylan. aber das sind nur vage vergleiche. es gibt noch nichts entgültiges, werde dir aber sofort mitteilen, wenn wir im studio waren


lg jools

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