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lead (blei)

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Can't you see? Apocalypse

Can't you see?

the high and the low

the rise an the fall


with a head full of ghosts

and a heart made of lead

our doom is spelled

Why can't you see?


the call of the abyss

no mercy at all

we are the shadow



like imbeciles

we wasted earth

empty minds



in reckless abandon

like moths have for light

as far as I can go

to the eye of the storm


I bear the misery

of the whole world

I carry your pain

How much more I can take?


Why can't you see?

we can't buy time

burning churches

a crooked cross


leaning towers

come tumbling down

what is built this way

must fall apart someday


empty shells

as cold as ice

forgot how to love

the death wears a mask


Can't you see?

death wears a mask



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